heißeliebe STORE

heißeliebe STORE

  • Retail
Parkstraße 4, 80339 München

Opening hours:

Tuesday to Saturday , 12:00 - 8:00 pm

heißeliebe (hotlove) is a concept store in the Munich Westend district. What do we do differently? We represent young design and forward 100% of the proceeds to the designers. Why do we do that? Young designers with small productions still have high production costs. In retail, the sales prices are at least doubled, making it often very hard for young design to be promoted in a retail store as the sales prices end up so high. We just leave the prices as they are. How does that work? Our brands support us with a monthly service fee to cover the costs/expenses of our store. How can you sell your products at heißeliebe? You simply apply! We are happy to meet more new and upcoming designers every month!

Location and design shops nearby

heißeliebe STORE, Parkstraße 4, 80339 München

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