Dipl.-Psy.gerontologin Sabine L. Distler

CEO Curatorium Altern gestalten

Sabine L. Distler

Sabine L. Distler is founder and managing director at Curatorium Altern gestalten gGmbH in Nuremberg. As a gerontologist and social entrepreneur she is passionate about combining traditional with new aspects in order to bring innovative concepts to life. Hence, the creation of value for elderly as well as the establishment of strong signs and impulses are central to her work. In her role as a visionary, networker, initiator of various award-winning projects, she has been working in the eldercare sector for many years. Her heart beats especially for her initiative “Silberfilm”, which raises awareness for the integration of the entertainment needs of the older generation on a national level. Moreover, the cinema sharing concept was awarded the Universal Design expert & consumer award 2019.

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