Friday, 20/5 13:00 - 19:30
Signs of the times · Two-Day Hybrid Conference
- Conference
Salvatorplatz 1, 80333 München
The richness of typographic forms reflects the diversity of our histories. Type bridges past and future, geographical spaces and cultural domains like no other element of our culture.
The GRANSHAN Two-Day Hybrid Conference »Signs of the times« explores the big and small questions that affect the typographic community and type users alike – in both daily matters and global concerns.
On Friday, TypeTech MeetUp (TTM) will discuss and document the current state of font technology, and serve as a platform for the exchange of best practices and innovative developments. TTM sessions advance the state of the art and promote the integration of font technologies into the future of digital communication. The MeetUp will explore topics such as the power of variable and colour fonts, blockchain technology, web typography in multiscript domains, legibility & technology and more.
On Saturday, our venue Literaturhaus will become a lab for future forms of international and intercultural communication & collaboration. A place where we examine script and typography as an essential basis for international exchange as well as a force for identification. Only those who are visible and recognisable can enter into an open dialogue. Thematic sessions touch on topics such as multiscript design, endangered scripts/alphabets, and type as a cultural asset and identification anchor.
We welcome the direct interaction of designers and font engineers, web designers and developers, industry experts and tech & business professionals in a relaxed and inspiring atmosphere. »Signs of the times« is a conference for all makers and users of type.
Communication Design
Event code:
Participate in our survey and win one of three illustrated books of Tom Hegen’s series "Habitat".
Wittelsbacherstraße 11
80469 München
GRANSHAN is the hub for global visual identity.
We celebrate typefaces and typography, design and communication.