Info Live event Gmund Paper: Packaging made of plant fibresDid you know that in Gmund am Tegernsee, new types of packaging materials are being developed from plant fibres? This results in packaging concepts that avoid plastic waste worldwide. Go to event Exhibition
Info Live event MCBW DESIGNWALK GlockenbachThe MCBW DESIGNWALK is a curated city walk hosted by bayern design, inviting you to take a discovery tour from Viktualienmarkt to Wittelsbacherbrücke. Go to event Exhibition
Info Live event MCBW Public SpaceThe swing installation MCBW Public Space, designed exclusively for MCBW by OHA (Office Heinzelmann Ayadi), captures this year's theme MOVING HORIZONS in a spectacular way. Go to event Campaign
Info Live event Steelcase x MINI Design – the MINI Vision Urbanaut goes WORK MomentWhat does an innovative, flexible working environment inspired by the space of the MINI Vision Urbanaut look like? Steelcase invites you to the unveiling of various concepts. Go to event Campaign
Info Live event How to make light – Ingo Maurer crafted in Munich - ExhibitionA look through the peephole: what does lighting design mean to Ingo Maurer? Especially for MCBW 2022, the Ingo Maurer team invites you to take a look at the work of the lighting manufactory. Go to event Exhibition
Info Hybrid SCIENCE MOONSHOTFROM LAB TO GAME CHANGER IN 72 HOURS Based on Germany's best research with relevance to the challenges of the future, the MOONSHOT will create a company with global change potential. Go to event Workshop
Info Hybrid MCBW feat. Award Ceremony of the Green Product Awards 2022"We design the future!" On 18 May, the best projects of the Green Product Awards and the Green Concept Awards 2022 will be honoured for the 9th time. Go to event Award ceremony
Info Online SURFACE matters. What is possible? What's next?An insight into surface enhancement + inspiration + newest design trends. The first thing the beholder perceives of a product is its packaging surface. Go to event Speech
Info Live event The Power of Female Co-CreationTalk by Büro Chapeau with Susanne Lay of FINGERSCROSSED and Jessica Dettinger of form of interest about themselves, their brands, questions and challenges we are facing in 2022. Go to event Panel discussion
Info Live event Transforming Identities: PlaygroundWhy do we want to return to normal, now of all times? Why do we yearn for what we already know, when in fact the future is so fascinating? A workshop. Go to event Workshop
Info Live event Steelcase x MINI Design: Join our Design Talk “Clever Use of Space”Listen to Michael Held (Director Design Global Furniture Steelcase) and Christian Bauer (Head of Interior Design MINI) share how they make spaces more liveable for us through design. Go to event Panel discussion
Info Live event Design im Zeughaus: Networking "Circular Design and Energy Turnaround"With "Design im Zeughaus", the Department of Design shapes the design discourse and the networking around design topics. For MCBW 2022, the focus lies on "Circular Design and Energy Turnaround". Go to event Speech
Info Live event rpc Retail MultiverseThe physical retail business is facing major challenges which at the same time provide it with new perspectives. Discover the rpc Retail Multiverse! Go to event Vernissage/Finissage
Info Live event Sustainability – Who is doing the work?The designers Ineke Hans, Stefan Diez, and Daniel Kern on their projects and developments within the context of sustainability. Go to event Speech
Info Hybrid Architecture MattersArchitecture Matters is an international conference on architecture, urban planning and the future. The 2022 topic: Dense City. Go to event Conference
Info Live event Designing the Metaverse - Entering a new dimension of UX/UI DesignThe Metaverse is real and it is here to stay. What is this "world" all about? Is this where the future of interaction is being shaped? Go to event Speech
Info Live event Branding from the core.Strong brands must be bold and unique. In their promise. In their experience. And in their core: the product. It’s how they compete. Go to event Speech
Info Live event GREENBOW – OUR SUSTAINABLE AGENDACALLIGARIS GROUP TALKS GREENBOW: the project that guarantees 100% commitment and transparency for a sustainable future. Go to event Speech
Info Live event RETHINKING THE WHEEL: Event What does the steering wheel of the future look like? Go to event Speech
Info Online The Power of GestaltungChange has become an absolute necessity in our digitised society. We explore the question of how designers are shaping this change. Go to event Panel discussion
Info Live event TYPOLOGY: Unexpected Urban ExperiencesAn evening dedicated to "New Experiences in the Urban Space", introducing solutions for the urban environment that challenge established preconceptions about site furniture. Go to event Speech
Info Hybrid Design Networking Hub – let’s connect!International cooperation is becoming increasingly important. But how does intercultural cooperation work? What challenges need to be mastered, what opportunities are created? Go to event Panel discussion
Info Live event UX @ Google - Beautification to DifferentiationUXers at Google Munich help users manage their privacy and safety, create design systems at scale, and internal tools. Come hear about the ways in which we build more helpful products for everyone. Go to event Panel discussion
InfoAnette LenzEvents Signs of the times · Two-Day Hybrid Conference To speaker Graphic DesignerAtelier Anette Lenz
InfoAdrian van HooydonkEvents New Modes – inspired by Die Neue Sammlung and BMW Group Design To speaker Leiter BMW Group DesignBMW Group
InfoKarin Schmidt-FriderichsEvents Book Talk »Wir Internetkinder« To speaker VerlegerinVerlag Hermann Schmidt
InfoJulia PeglowEvents Book Talk »Wir Internetkinder« A design for life – Expert talk on design & digitalisierung To speaker Designerin, Autorin, Chronistindiary of the digital age
InfoChristiane BausbackEvents 10th VDID Designers Breakfast To speaker Managing DirectorN+P Innovation Design GmbH
InfoAnab JainEvents New Modes – inspired by Die Neue Sammlung and BMW Group Design To speaker Superflux
InfoChristian Bauer Events RETHINKING THE WHEEL: Event Steelcase x MINI Design: Join our Design Talk “Clever Use of Space” To speaker Head of Interior Design bei MINIBMW Group
InfoJulia LohmannEvents Global Design Talks To speaker Professor of Design Practice at Aalto University, Finland, Founder of Department of SeaweedDepartment of Seaweed